Tanznacht Forum Expanded

Tanznacht Forum EXPANDED

Since 2015, the discursive format Tanznacht Forum has been offered in the years between editions of the Tanznacht Berlin festival. In 2024, the format will look beyond the Uferstudios and move to our new, temporary location Grüntaler 9 - a dedicated project space for performance art in the Wedding district. More than in previous years, this special edition entitled Tanznacht Forum EXPANDED focuses on performative works and seeks direct social exchange with the neighboring urban community. At the Social Dinner, for example, changing artists prepare a meal together with neighbors, artists, regulars and Tanzfabrik newcomers at - a kind of housewarming party for an artistic form of neighborhood! Because the artists come to stay (temporarily). After two-week residencies, they offer insights into their current work processes during public showings. The Tanznacht Forum EXPANDED will be crowned in mid-December with a public discourse format. Here's to an open culture of discussion, new networks, ideas and connections!
