
Moss Beynon Juckes

Moss Beynon Juckes is a multidisciplinary dance artist, composer and somatics facilitator born in Sydney. Moss was awarded NEUSTART KULTUR, Fonds Darstellende Kulturen, #Take Care funding and DIS-TANZEN support for her research solo project Strange Speech . #Take Heart supported collaborative research on Embodiment Practices for Storying Otherwise and PSR foundation supported her collaborative practices during Ela Spalding's Suelo Methodology. Queer ecology and embodied environmentalism are in focus. This year she was awarded the coproduction fund from the Goethe Institute Cairo with choreographer Shaymaa Shoukry for a two year project called Fertile Presence to premiere in 2024 . She has participated in the work of Tino Sehgal since 2012 and has worked many artists including Claire Vivianne Sobottke, Sheena McGradles, Michael Portnoy, Nwando Ebizie. mossbeynonjuckes.com

  1. Performance-Projekt Morph