Performance · Premiere
Johanna Ackva
In the frame of Open Spaces - Herbst
Let us host life tenderly as long as it risks visiting us.
»Out of Our Hands« begins with delicately listening to our own mortality. It feels odd to live in this time and space which are said to be safer than any other time and space and to still notice a sense of disquiet. It grows within our excessive plans, our insurances, precautions and the relentless drawing up of borders against everything uncertain and foreign. »Out of Our Hands« explores the ways in which we come in touch with other people and other worlds, if we embrace who and what we are: limited and vulnerable beings, to which life was given not as a capital, but as a gift.
Concept, choreography, dance: Johanna Ackva | Co-Choreography, dance: Anna Jarrige, Joshua Rutter | Music, Performance: Florian Juncker, Nikolaus Neuser | Video & Image composition: Max Hilsamer | Light design, technical management: Hanna Kritten Tangsoo | Outside-Eye, dramaturgy: Roni Katz | Assistance set & costume: Anita Ackva | Coproduction: Tanzfabrik Berlin | Supported by Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.
Eintritt: 9/5€