Videoinstallation by Celine , Renana
The super-hosts of Berlin‘s contemporary scene are back again with a new season of their video installation »Morning Show«.
Celine and Renana have a unique way of hosting: they are funny, irresponsible and have a passionate enthusiasm for art and culture. Now, the famous hosts of Berlin’s dance community have finally received their own morning show, where they discuss daring and enthralling matters of art. After their first season in February 2019, they are back with new episodes portraying different artists and curators from OPEN SPACES, speaking about their concepts, visions and creative processes.
Supported in the frame of mapping dance berlin. mapping dance berlin is a project of Tanzbüro Berlin, supported by Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V. . Supported for the years 2018-2021 by Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE), the State of Berlin and apap-Performing Europe 2020, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programm of the European Union.
coming soon
Free Admission
1 hour before the performances
Sa 2.11. Reception 20:00 Uferstudio 13