Uferstudios 5
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: »Familie Ohne Haupt«(1988)©Pesi Girsch


Research Showing by Nir Vidan

In the frame of Open Spaces - Laughing & Loving

In his solo work »Glass« Nir Vidan seeks to refigure a new body for himself. One that is full of emptiness. One that is many. One that is inconsistent and unsettled.  A momentary manifestation of contradicting forces. One that is suspended, elusive, a loose entity emancipated from the hierarchy of unity. One that is possessed, mad, a fool! One that is foreign, even to itself, autonomous and constant- ly reshaping its boundaries. One that could be anything, from intensity to void. The body of »Glass« exercises and imagines practices of untying, forgetting, becoming and flight.

Let your tongue forget the spelling of your name.

Choreography, performance: Nir Vidan | Dramaturgy: Diethild Meier, Ran Brawn | Cooperation philosophical research: Sharon Cohen | Sound: Tomer Damsky | Light design: Emma Juliard | Supported by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Kelim Choreography Center - Bat Yam, Yasmeen Godder Studio.

Nir Vidan

Nir Vidan is a choreographer, performer and dramaturg based in Berlin and Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Since he graduated his studies at HZT-berlin in 2015, Nir has been creating his independent choreographic works, side by side with his ongoing collaborations with other performance artists such as Isabelle Schad, Yasmeen Godder, Clement Layes, Laurent Goldring, Julia Rodriguez and others. "The ground for my choreographic work is the articulation of a subjective body presence and the way its singular identity is unfolding through time in a performative state. This is my personal exploration as a choreographer, and my interest when working with others as an interpreter. Side by side with that, I am engaged with learning and decoding the structural violence of our time and I perceive my artistic work as an opportunity for critical action and community life."

Tickets: 5€