radialsystem / Halle EG Stage
Photo: Alice Brazzic


Performance · Deutschlandpremiere by Alessandro Sciarroni

In the frame of Open Spaces - Laughing & Loving

»Augusto« is a show about the need to feel loved, unconditionally, and about pain. The physical and vocal practice through which the interpreters are allowed to express themselves is exclusively made of laughter to the bitter end. In this way, the performers of the piece laugh to represent joy, euphoria, emotion, as well as suffering, anger and fear.

A dramedy.

By Alessandro Sciarroni | Performers: Massimiliano Balduzzi, Gianmaria Borzillo, Marta Ciappina, Jordan Deschamps, Pere Jou, Leon Maric, Cian Mc Conn, Roberta Racis, Matteo Ramponi | Music: Yes Soeur! | Light design: Sébastien Lefèvre | Production: Marche Teatro, Teatro di Rilevante Interesse Culturale, corpoceleste_C.C.00#, European Creative Hub – French Minister of Culture/Maison de la Danse grant for Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2018, Festival GREC Barcelona, Théâtre de Liège, Teatro Municipal do Porto, Cent- Quatre-Paris, Snaporazverein, Theaterfestival Boulevard, Theater Freiburg (Germany), La Biennale di Venezia | Coproduction: Tanzfabrik Berlin, Centrale Fies, L'arboreto - Teatro Dimora di Mondaino | Alessandro Sciarroni is associated artist at Cent-Quatre-Paris | Supported by apap-Performing Europe 2020, cofunded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Alessandro Sciarroni

Alessandro Sciarroni is an Italian artist active in the field of Performing Arts. His work goes beyond the traditional definitions of gender. He starts from a conceptual Duchamp-like matrix, makes use of a theatrical framework, and he can use some techniques and experiences from dance, as well as circus or sports. In addition to the rigor, coherence and clarity of each creation, his work tries to uncover obsessions, fears and fragilities of the act of performing, through the repetition of a practice to the limits of the physical endurance of the interpreters, looking at a different dimension of time, and to an empathic relationship between the audience and the performers.

Tickets: 15/10€