Grüntaler Straße 9
13357 Berlin
Photo: Ahmed Noseir

schnippeln & plaudern

Social Dinner by Yvonne Sembene
In the frame of Tanznacht Forum EXPANDED

An open regulars' table in our new space at Grüntaler 9 creates a platform for discussions and getting to know each other personally. Everyone is invited - from neighbors, artists and our regulars to Tanzfabrik newcomers. The changing chefs are artists who work as part of a residency at Grüntaler 9. While peeling, slicing, cooking and drinking together, the aim is to create time and space for conversations and encounters - be it about favorite recipes, dentist recommendations or creative ideas for the next performance. 

Yvonne Sembene

Yvonne Sembene (she/her) is a French-Senegalese GDR dance artist. She lives in Berlin. Her work focusses on colonial influences on contemporary identities, especially in the European and German context, as well as on decolonial feminist discourses. She is currently exploring Afro-German SLINTA perspectives on neo-traditionalism and neo-classicism and their place in matriarchal fantasies. In addition to her choreographic practice, Sembene composes music for her own and other works. She is currently expanding her performance practice to include opera direction. She is also regularly invited to participate in local cultural policy discussions in labs and exchange formats. She has been a critical speaker and moderator for Aktion Tanz and the Freiburg Theatre, the Tanztreffen der Jugend, the Pop-Kultur festival and a jury member for the ID_Tanzhaus residency and the Kunst im Untergrund art competition.
Admission free
Supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin & Tanznacht Berlin
Funded by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt des Landes Berlin through the four-year, open to all sections funding programme for festivals and series of events.