Tanz · Neubearbeitung
Lina Gómez
In the frame of Open Spaces - Laughing & Loving
The materiality of the body and the varied conditions it can bear and generate are the central force behind the choreographic research of Lina Gómez and her collaborators. With a precious and unique dialogue between movement, music and light, »A Passo di Mulo« creates a vibrating landscape of earth, togetherness and persistence.
Today I wander with a fixed but flexible gaze, with my knees light, and my feet continuously sub- merged in the dust, in the mud, in the water, in the stone. I lose myself in the attempt to continue. I bear the vertical burden of my head, I move and plunge, plunge and move, always forward, as Doña Esperanza used to say.
On Friday, 21.2. after the performance: Artist Talk with Lina Gómez
Idea, concept, choreography: Lina Gómez | Dance, co-creation: Julek Kreutzer, Diethild Meier, Bella Hager, Camille Chapon (Premiere), Alistair Watts | Music, Singing: Michelangelo Contini, Aaron Snyder, Maja Olenderek | Light design: Bruno Pocheron | Szenography: Michelangelo Contini | Cooperation Scenography: Michele Piazzi | Costume: Sandra Ernst | Dramaturgical advice: Thomas Schaupp | Supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, in cooperation with Tanzfabrik Berlin and with friendly support of Garage Tanz.
Tickets: 15/10€