
Josephine Findeisen

Josephine Findeisen (she/her), born in Dresden in 1990, is a dancer and cultural worker. She studied Dance, Context and Choreography at Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz in Berlin. In her practice, she examines socio-economic realities and researches the entanglements of class, gender and the body. Since 2016, she has created various physical research projects on class issues, including «A Work that doesn‘t Work» or «We might as well be on Crystal», «SCHWEIßARBEIT», «Working Class Dance Group» and «AUTOSCOOTER». Josephine initiated the open meeting "Arbeiter:innentöchter Vereinigt Euch!" at historical workplaces and monuments in Berlin. 

  1. Showing Time to Meet – Luxus für Alle (AT). Sharing, Hang Out & Reading Session
Josephine Findeisen
Photo: Nina Lacin