Fernanda Silva (she/her) is a Brazilian actress, dancer and choreographer. She directs the Grupo de Teatro Metáfora, which is based in Parnaíba in the state of Piauí. Founded 30 years ago, the today´s Espaço Cultural Metáfora has established itself as a place of active political resistance since 2005. Silva has been performing on stage since the age of fifteen. Her own works include: «Trovoada» (Thunderstorm), «The Lady Macbeth» and «Antônia uma luz que chora» (Antônia - The Crying Light), as well as «Impossivel estuprar esta Mulher cheia de vícios» (It is impossible to rape this woman full of vices) and «Involuntários da Pátria» (Involuntaries of the Fatherland) together with researcher and curator Sonia Sobral. Silva also recently took part in the dance piece «Uirapuru» by Brazilian choreographer Marcelo Evelin. She began researching her solo «A Dance for Valeska Gert» in Brazil in 2021. She will expand on this during her residency at Tanzfabrik Berlin in 2024.