
Fernanda Silva

Fernanda Silva (she/her) is a brazilian transex born in 1977 and based in Brazil, a world leader in dead transex every year for decades. The fact that Fernanda works as a professional artist in her hometown of Parnaíba in the state of Piauí is therefore nothing short of a miracle. She is started on the stages in 1992. She is the founder and creative director of the Grupo de Teatro Metáfora since 1994 and manager of the Espaço Cultural Metáfora since 2005. Fernanda began researching her solo «Ein Tanz für Valeska Gert» in Brazil in 2021. During her residency at Tanzfabrik Berlin she will deepen her research in 2024.

  1. Performance Ein Tanz für Valeska Gert