The Bartenieff Fundamentals convey insights into the early development of movement and allow an experience of the basic principles of movement. In simple exercises and six fundamental body patterns (‚Basic Six’) they offer an instruction to perceive and extend the connection to one’s own body, in itself and in relationship to others and the world. We will work with structured explorations of the underlying principles, and specific exercises in different variations, so that individual forms of integration and potentially also dissemination are offered to each participant. This workshop addresses everyone interested in a deeper understanding of movement.
The workshop can be used as a prerequisite for the EUROLAB Certificate Program in Laban/Bartenieff Movement Studies
Accessibility Note
The workshop will be conducted in English. Partner work is included, but physical contact is never mandatory. If participants are comfortable with touch, we will incorporate exercises that support energy pathways, connections, and movement impulses in the body. We will engage with anatomical and imagined images, music, and interactive dance, celebrating the joy of individual movement and dancing. If needed, a free workshop place for an accompanying assistant will be facilitated for participants with disabilities. Information about our location & studio access in Kreuzberg can be found
here. We offer
solispots (solidarity places) for people living in a financially precarious situation, including people from regions in crisis, BIPOC, trans*, queer, disabled people. For questions or more information, please contact Zoé Duflot at