Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Foto: David Visnijc

1 / Dance Performance Research Lab

Workshop with Keith Hennessy, Hana Lee Erdman, Jassem Hindi, Zinzi Buchanan, Alice Chauchat

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2014/15

This lab is about collaborative play, failure, ritual, and performance.“The state is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of behavior; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently toward one another...” Gustav Landauer
Keith says: I'm thinking about collaboration, lack of continuity, and multiplicity as modes of working-making-observing-sharing. I'm thinking about our shared histories in immersive live/work contexts, at Ponderosa, in Turbulence, and in softening the demand for production and reproduction...
Hana says: I'm thinking of simple practices with the potential for layering on top of each other. I'm thinking about precision and specificity of placement of bodies and objects in the face of group performance/experience as ritual. And I'm thinking about bodies that are dressed and exquisite and prepped for something important.
Bring costumes, insight, questions, willingness, resistance, objects, and friends, or not.

Day one will involve two 3-hour sessions with a 1 hour lunch break.
Day two will be an epic 7-hour dis/continuous process. Bring food to share and/or survive.

Keith Hennessy

Keith Hennessy is a dancing performer, choreographer, teacher and activist based in San Francisco. His interdisciplinary research engages improvisation, ritual, and public action as tools for investigating political realities.

Hana Lee Erdman

Hana Lee Erdman is a U.S. American artist based in Europe working within the field of dance and choreography. Central in her work is the notion of companionship as an orientation and organizing principle, with which she explores movement, thought, performativity, and our relationship to community, environment, and more than human creatures. She creates works across a wide range of kinds; namely dance, performance, social choreography, installation and video. Her work is presented internationally in the contexts of galleries, museums, theaters, churches, music venues and art festivals. Together with Louise Dahl she is engaged in a long-term research and collaboration which has resulted in several dance creations. She is an educator and mentor at various international centers and programs in Europe. She has a Masters Degree in Dance/Authorship from the higher educational Center for Dance at the College of Fine Arts, Berlin (Universität der Künste Berlin).

Jassem Hindi

Jassem Hindi participates to the construction of political poems, sharing a hybrid strategy made out of broken body practices, broken objects practices and broken sound practices - steeped in raw sound material, nervous bodies and installations.

Zinzi Buchanan

Zinzi Buchanan experiments with social taboos, power relationships and intimacy through anus art, fake-witchcraft, drag shows and group ceremonies. Focusing her research in sensation she searches for greater fluidity of boundaries in her inter-personal and non-human interactions.

Alice Chauchat

Alice Chauchat is a choreographer, dancer, assistant, teacher, etc. She choreographs mostly in collaboration with other artists and co-developed numerous platforms for the production and exchange of knowledge in the performing arts (everybodystoolbox, PAF, praticable). From 2010-12, she was Co-Artistic Director for Les Laboratoires d'Aubervilliers. Recently, her choreographic practice has been geared towards processing the knowledge and complexity of collaborative practices into an aesthetic experience. www.alicechauchat.net

With movement and performance experience
In English