Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Chris Waikiki

W-09 / Anatomy of Touch (Waiting list)

Workshop with Sabine Parzer

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2019/20

Touch is our most essential experience as a human being. We need it like food, to know that we exist and to encounter others on intimate levels. Touch is the first of our senses to be developed, directly linked to our nervous system and the most effective mechanism for communication. The skin, our main sensory organ, carries an abundance of information about our state of being, our movements, touch, boundaries and personal needs. Touch can be deeply satisfying and deeply terrifying and we will look at the joy and the pain behind the issue. We will explore by focusing on solo dances, writing and Authentic Movement, working in duets with bodywork, applied anatomy and contact improvisa- tion as well as group explorations with improvisational scores and content based sharings. As dan- cers most of us have a natural relationship to touch, it being an innate component in the relationship between body and movement. Many people in the western world have lost touch with their sense of touch, and therefore it becomes a political and socioeconomic issue as well.

Sabine Parzer

Sabine Parzer is head and founder of the Holistic Dance Institute and the artistic director and founder of Contact Festival Austria (2012-17). Her professional experience spans over 30 years of teaching, performing, choreographing and researching in the USA, Europe, Russia, Israel and Brazil. Sabine has a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia College Chicago in modern dance, and an education in Systemische und Integrative Bewegungslehre® (an extended Feldenkrais® Training).  Her choreographies and improvisational scores have been performed since 1990 in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago, Berlin, Vienna, amongst other cities. She teaches regularly at international dancefestivals such as Impulstanz, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Israeli Contact Festival, Moscow Contact Festival, Kontakt Budapest, Osterimprofestival Göttingen, Potsdamer Tanztage and at Tanzquartier Wien. www.holistic-dance.at
Film by Sabine Parzer & Krisztina Kerekes: Interconnections.

Level: Open
Not barrier-free