Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

Embodying Connection

Talk by Kurt Koegel, Ingo Reulecke, Gabriele Reuter, Samarra Gaetana

In the frame of Open Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2017

We invite you to join us for a conversation embracing the themes: How can we become more embodied and present in space? How can we reinforce our own self-agency as we make choices and locate ourselves – in relationship to the spaces we inhabit, the people we interact with, the various feeling states that may exist simultaneously within us? How can we use our skillful navigation of embodied learning situations (the environment of dance and movement research) to nurture the social and political environment we habitate?

This conversation will begin with a short video and will also offer some short participatory experiences.

Kurt Koegel

Kurt Koegel (USA) specializes in teaching workshops that satisfy and inspire both beginners and professional dancers. After dancing in New York City, Kurt lived and worked in Europe from 1988 – 2012, and a member of the Tanzfabrik Company from 1988 - 1994, performing and teaching extensively throughout Europe for festivals, schools and dance companies including Ultima Vez, Rosas, P.A.R.T.S., SNDO, EDDC, SEAD, as well as extensive teaching in Japan and Korea. From 2007-2011 he designed and directed the Masters in Contemporary Dance Pedagogy at the University of Performing Arts (HfMDK) in Frankfurt am Main. Since 2013 he’s been researching how enhancing human perception, embodiment and sustainable interaction can influence how we live in, and design, public space. His intention is to share the work he is doing in the field of dance with emerging architects and designers. www.kurtkoegel.org

Ingo Reulecke

studied choreography at the college of the art “Ernst Busch” Berlin after completing his training in contemporary dance. 1994 and 97 study grants from the Berlin Senate for New York City. Guest lecturer at the collage the art “Ernst Busch” in Berlin and at the Palucca Hochschule in Dresden since 1995. 1998/99 DAAD scholarship for a year in NYC. 2009 Co-production with L. Matthaei for the site specific work „2109“ 2009 cooperation with the iranian director Ayat Najafi for „Lady Teheran“ 2010 `Sender Weimar`, ( Kunstfest Weimar ) site specific installation in cooperation with Lukas Matthaei & 2012 ́urbanscape ́ a site specific installation in berlin 2012-2014 Reulecke lead the site specific project with 11 different projects involved „bauhaus tanzen“. A collaboration between Bauhaus Dessau, Anhaltisches Theater Dessau, Technical University Berlin, Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin. Since 2004 Ingo Reulecke has a professorship in choreography and is leading the dance departement in the college of the arts “Ernst Busch” Berlin. From 2006-2012 he started the directorship in the co-operative dance education centre berlin. http://ingoreulecke.com   www.ingoreulecke.de

Gabriele Reuter

Gabriele Reuter is a dance artist, pedagogue and urbanist, who works at the interface of choreography and urban research. Her stage works, audio walks and sound installations were shown at venues and international festivals across the UK, in Chile, Turkey, France and Germany. As an educator, performer, mentor and moderator, Gabriele facilitates movement in a variety of contexts, transferring knowledge between dance and other disciplines. Teaching references include HZT Berlin, London Contemporary Dance School, Hochschule für Tanz und Musik Köln, Sareyyet Ramallah, Freiburg Contact Festival, Nottingham University, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. In 2022 she qualified as a systemic and agile coach for teams. www.gabrielereuter.de

Samarra Gaetana

coming soon

Free Admission
In English