apap production studio berlin · Premiere by Karol Tyminski
Just after Science killed God we went dancing. We sweated out the doctrines, shook of the normatives, stomped on the old believes. We were meat and bones. We were clashing against each other, taking shapes which normally didn’t belong to our bodies. Blood rushed through our veins like they were highways which could take us to places we didn’t know. Heads about to explode, the world almost falling apart. Science and I would have a chia pudding and she will try to explain it all to me. We would open a church where we would let people get together to shatter the self as they know it.
Choreography: Karol Tyminski | Performance: Karol Tyminski, Kasia Wolinska, Mike O’Connor | Music: Marc Lohr | Dramaturgy: Agata Siniarska | Lightdesign: Maika Knoblich | Technical manager: Robert Lange | Stage design assistance : Valentina Wong | Production management: M.i.C.A. - Movement in Contemporary Art. | Funded by Senatsverwaltung Kultur und Europa, Tanzfabrik Berlin and in the frame of apap – Performing Europe 2016-2020, co-funded by Creative Europe Programme der EU. Supported by Center in Motion Choreographers Workspace Warsaw and the residency at Tanzhaus Zürich.
This year the HZT Berlin celebrates its 10th anniversary together with the partners of the TanzRaumBerlin network. Karol Tyminski is a graduate of the HZT Berlin.