Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Foto: Tom Däumichen

3 / Flow Yoga

Workshop with Beate Cuson

In the frame of Oster Tanz 2015

Finding joy and ease in the continous flow of inner and outer movement - at times powerful and dynamic, at times challenging, dancing, rhythmical or gentle and healing. We keep returning to resting places, with particular attention to the free and relaxed flow of our breath. We discover our own rhythms, the ease and clarity in the Asanas and Flows, as well as the energy and power of our body’s centre. We experience the deep joy of movement and the playfulness of exploration and perception. We cultivate meditation in Flow and the Asanas. A lived Yoga with openness and bright serenity.

Beate Cuson

Beate Cuson, yoga teacher and alternative practitioner. She was a dancer and capoeirista and directed the internationally renowned Yogastudio MOVEO in Berlin for fourteen years. Author of the book „Flow Yoga – Meditation in Motion“ and the DVD „Flow Yoga – Poetry in Motion“ (Theseus Verlag) filmed in Goa. Workshops, yoga holidays, training and further training intensives in Europe and India. www.flowyoga-beatecuson.de


Level: open