Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photos: idamarktompkins, Elise Schneider, Patrick Beelaert, Adrien Michel, Aram Jibilian

Teaching and Performance Practice

Talk by Peter Pleyer, Daria Faïn, Mark Tompkins, Frey Faust, Jens Johannsen

In the frame of Oster Tanz 2017

„Teaching and Performance Practice“ concludes our Easter Workshops with an exchange about the connection between teaching and performing. This year Peter Pleyer will host a conversation, in which different artistic practices and pedagogic approaches will be discussed between audience and teaching artists. Guests are Daria Faïn, Frey Faust, Jens Johannsen and Mark Tompkins.

Peter Pleyer

Peter Pleyer studied at the European Dance Development Centre (EDDC) in Arnhem before working with Yoshiko Chuma and Mark Tompkins as a dancer and choreographic assistant. He has lived in Berlin since 2000. From 2007 to 2014, he was Artistic Director of the Tanztage Berlin and from 2012 to 2014, a member of the Sophiensæle team. His interest as a choreographer and performer, dramaturge and coach, lies in finding new methods of integrating dance training, composition and improvisation into choreographic processes, such as, e.g., in the lecture-performance “Choreographing Books“ or in “Visible Undercurrent“ (2014). He teaches at various colleges and festivals in Europe and contributed to establishing a university course in Contemporary Dance in Berlin.

Daria Faïn

Daria Faïn (USA/F) was born in the South of France and has lived in Brooklyn since 1996. Faïn has developed C O R E M O T I O N, a unique movement and performance methodology based on 35 years of studies and research on Asian philosophy of the body. She is a certified Qigong teacher from Mantak Chia's Universal Healing Tao since 2001 and a certified Alexander Technique™ teacher since 1990. She has intensively studied Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Internal Energy Activation, Mental Energetics and the 5 Element Theory with master teachers Karfung Wu, Fransicco Albuquerque, Dr. Jan, Frank Allen and Laura Bernard. In 2008 she is co-founded a performing group called "The Commons Choir", with poet Robert Kocik in 2009. Her work has been presented and commissioned by BRIC Arts Media, River to River Festival, New York Live Arts, Gibney Dance, Danspace Project, Dance Theater Workshop, Dance New Amsterdam among others. In the U.S. Faïn has taught at New York University, Sarah Lawrence, Trisha Brown Studio, Rutgers University, Harvard University, Tulane University and Cooper Union. www.dariafain.net   https://patchtheskywith5coloredstones.net

Mark Tompkins

Mark Tompkins, American performer and choreographer living in Paris since 1973, he founds the Company I.D.A. in 1983. Over the years, his unique way of fabricating unidentified performance objects has become his signature: solos, group pieces, concerts and site-specific performances that mix dance, music, voice, video and text. His passion for real time composition leads him to collaborate with many dancers and musicians. Renowned for his teaching, he travels around the world. His recent performances are inspired by popular forms like music hall, cabaret, vaudeville, burlesque and musical comedy: BLACK’N’BLUES, OPENING NIGHT, SHOWTIME, STARDUST with Jeremy Wade, A POWER BALLAD with Mariana Tengner Barros, NEVER MIND THE FUTURE with Sarah Murcia, A WIND OF MADNESS with the Mladinsko Theatre in Ljubljana, Slovenia and LE PRINTEMPS. In 2008, he receives the SACD prize for Choreography for all his work. www.idamarktompkins.com

Frey Faust

Now 61, Frey Faust began performing on the street as a pantomime, dancer-actor in the family troupe at the age of eight. At the age of fourteen, Nita Little, the co-founder of the movement, introduced him to contact improvisation, which he has practiced and taught all his life. He also studied Capoeira, African Dance, fencing, karate, Aikido, jazz, ballet, yoga, percussion, physics and anatomy. He has worked a.o. with Merce Cunningham, Meredith Monk, Stephen Petronio and Donald Byrd. In the 90's Frey began to compile The Axis Syllabus lexicon, which is now available in its fifth edition at www.axissyllabusforum.org.  He also built a written symbolic language for movement notation, evaluation, pathology diagnosis and invention called the Human Movement Alphabet, also available on the Axis Syllabus Forum. He continues to create, perform and teach across the globe to this day! Together with Francesca Pedulla and Baris Mihci, he is building a center for the Axis Syllabus Meshwork in the south of Italy. To find out more about this, look up The Wayfarer's Root: www.laradicedeiviandanti.org.

Jens Johannsen

Jens Johannsen, *1959, explores movement, expression, dance and meditation since 1979. He started his Body-Mind Centering® training with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in 1986, Practitioner since ´89, teacher since `92, BMC training director and teacher-trainer since 2003. Jens contributed to the founding of BMC®-trainings in the UK, Brazil and Australasia. He co-founded the German BMC® training institution moveus.

in English
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