Photo: Roberto Duarte

Alles Vergängliche

Online Streaming by David Bloom

In the frame of Open Spaces – Making It Happen #1

Basically, this was the problem: if art seemed to be talking about things that make the world, then what kinds of things of the world could dance talk about? It did seem to me (when I started choreographing in the late 1980s) that dance did have some problems with its capacity to say. For instance, dance had this eternal flailing, all the time agitating one's arms, and that did not seem to say anything. At least to me, it said nothing; it did not explain a single thing about the world. Therefore the questions: what can dance say? And what can I say with dance? And how can I make it say more?
Vera Mantero, 2009

Everything is gonna be just fine.
Everyone you love is gonna die
Amanda Palmer, The Ride, 2019

An interview with David Bloom you can find here.

In our age of unimaginable transformations at a daily pace, the dancing human body always holds an element of powerlessness. Watching someone flail their arms around on stage is a little weird considering everything else that’s going on. The solo project Alles Vergängliche is an effort by one dancer to swallow the world, by engaging with two other attempts to manifest the universe in a single setting: Gustav Mahler’s 8th symphony, which Mahler himself said is intended to contain everything; and daily newscasts, which choose to include certain stories and exclude others, to give the supposedly most complete picture possible of what is going on in the world on any given day. That is no more realistic than dancing by one’s self to Mahler, but David draws upon his experience as Musician, Dancer, and Jewish Mystic, and explores what, if any, generative power lives within the human body itself, in the face of an unprecedented daily confrontation with “everything”.

David Bloom

David Bloom is a choreographer, dancer, teacher, father, filmmaker, bodyworker, pianist, and fermenting Jewish mystic. Graduated from the M.A. Choreography course at HZT Berlin, danceWEB scholarship in 2012. David teaches in many contexts, including HZT Berlin, Tanzquartier Vienna, Tanzfabrik Berlin, Human Architecture Lab in St. Petersburg, K3 in Hamburg, the Masters of Contemporary Dance Education in Frankfurt, the Rietveld Academy for Fine Arts & Design in Amsterdam, & the ImPulsTanz Festival in Vienna. More info at:  davidbloom.info
Link to the online streaming on 27.02. at 18:00 here.
Link to the online streaming on 28.02. at 19:00 here.
 Choreography, Performance, Sound: David Bloom |  Composition: Gustav Mahler (1860-1911) | Video: Walter Bickmann / tanzforumberlin.de | Supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin.