Durchgängig bis / continuously until 28.02. online Stage
Photo: Dieter Hartwig


Performance Video by July Weber

In the frame of Open Spaces – Making It Happen #1

You can find a trailer for the performance here.
An interview with Julian Weber you can find here.

In “Allongé” Julian Weber continues his interdisciplinary approach, based on an examination of Constantin Brânçusi’s sculptural work in collaboration with a ballet dancer and a pole dancer. Brânçusi’s oeuvre and his pioneering formal and contextual approaches serve as a starting point for the development of a stage set which is investigated for its performative and choreographic potential. Through the collision of the different disciplines and dance styles, both opposites and parallels of these techniques are examined, as well as a potential entanglement of the styles. Further "Allongé" explores the possibilities of emancipation from defined role models and subject/object attributions through a contemporary perspective on tradition and handicraft.

July Weber

July Weber (all pronouns) is a choreographer/dancer, visual artist and set designer. July Weber studied sculpture at the HBK Braunschweig and at the Academy of Arts Vienna as well as choreography at the HZT Berlin and at the Theaterschool in Amsterdam. Weber's work deals with spaces of interaction between body, material and movement and moves at the intersection of visual art and performance. In 2020 July Weber founded NEW FEARS - a gallery for dance and performance in Berlin Wedding.
Link to the performance video here, then continuously available until Sunday evening 22:00.
Choreography, Set design: Julian Weber |  Dance: Shade Théret, György Jellinek | Music: Evelyn Saylor |  Light: Annegret Schalke | Costume: Don Aretino | Production: Juan Gabriel Harcha
Funded by Berliner Senat, Tanzfabrik Berlin