Photo: Ellinor Ljungkvist

Angry Stories

Video Streaming · German Premiere by Ellinor Ljungkvist

In the frame of Open Spaces – Making It Happen #2

With Valerie Solanas as inspiration for her honest and vulgar expression Ellinor Ljungkvist has choreographed scenes into Angry Stories, a dance- and performance art piece that is based on true and angry stories from the dancers. In the piece they share thier personal and real experiences from a serious but absurd and comical perspective. They re-embody and re-tell their stories in a genuin way to reveal taboos and truths that effects women emotionally, and refer to artists dealing with evilness and witchcraft as Mary Wigman, Charles Manson and Burzum. The piece combines reality and fiction with a very cinematic aesthetic and theatrical performativity. It addresses many themes as the climate change, feminism and angriness in its many forms. Expressions such as dance, performance, speech, music and song are combined and narrated into an emotional dance-story.

Disapproval of emotional “scenes“ leads to fear of strong emotion, fear of one's own anger and hatred. Fear of anger and hatred combined with a lack of self-confidence in one's ability to cope with and change the world, or even to affect in the slightest way one's own destiny, leads to a mindless belief that the world and most people in it are nice and the most banal, trivial amusements are great fun and deeply pleasurable.
Valerie Solanas, SCUM Manifesto

Ellinor Ljungkvist

Ellinor Kristina Ljungkvist was born in Sweden. At the moment she works as a choreographer and dancer in Scandinavia as well as in Germany and Austria. Ellinor holds a Diploma in Ballet and Contemporary Dance from Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance and a Bachelor in Arts from Inter-University Centre for Dance Berlin. She received 2013/14 The Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and in 2015/16 Örebro Dance Grant and a scholarship for international exchange from The Swedish Art Grant Committee, among other scholarships throughout her studies and work. Ellinor´s choreographic work and teaching is known for its combination of contemporary dance and conceptual performance art. She has choreographed mostly solo and duet pieces, but also collaborated with choreographers such as Deufert&Plischke, Mr. Rice & Peanuts and the theatre director Jonas Engman, to mention a few. Right now she is doing a master in choreography at The University of Dance and Circus Stockholm.
You find the link to the video ↪  here.
Available from 12.06.21 / 18:00  continuously until 23.06.21 / 23:00.
Free of charge
Choreografie: Ellinor Ljungkvist | Tänzerinnen: Ida Hellsten, Sonjis Riitta Laine, Miranda Wallmon, Simone Gisela Weber  | Video-Dokumentation: Daniel Pherson | Angry Stories wurde ermöglicht durch Dance in Örebro Region und Nordic Cultural Point für Produktions- und Wirtschaftsförderung und dem Schwedischen Kunstförderausschuss für Kulturaustausch, dem Örebro City Theatre Nya China, Sjöängen Askersund, der Kommune Lindesberg und Dansens Hus für Aufführungs- und Bühnensichtbarkeit, Turteatern für Aufenthalts- und Werkstattmöglichkeiten, MDT für den Aufenthalt von Pre-Research.