Photo: Colin Campbell

Try Leather

Videostreaming · Uraufführung by Margaret Dragu, William Locke Wheeler, Justine A. Chambers, Britta Wirthmüller

In the frame of Open Spaces – Making It Happen #2

You can find an interview about Try Leather ↪  here.

In Try Leather, performers Justine A. Chambers, Margaret Dragu, William Locke Wheeler, and Britta Wirthmüller are researching desire on the theatre stage as well as the appetite for seeing and being seen. The production refers to a dance solo by Margaret Dragu called “Try Leather”, which she presented for the first time in Toronto in 1975. This solo is a disputatious mix of striptease, sports aerobics, modern dance, vaudeville and feminist performance art. Dragu, who besides having a career in dance and theatre also worked as a stripper for over twenty-five years, describes the strip club as a space where she could experiment with artistic means and concurrently undermine genre clichés and images of body and gender.

Margaret Dragu

Margaret Dragu celebrates 50 years as a working artist. Her favorite material is still the body despite/because of her bionic status as a grateful owner of two hip replacements.

William Locke Wheeler

William Locke Wheeler’s artist practice reaches from performance to film to drawing and painting to the translation of texts in the field of art. His work, which is sourced through various practices of collecting and re-staging printed material, explores the image as a fruitful ground for the critical subversion of established historiographies.

Justine A. Chambers

Justine A. Chambers is a dance artist. Her movement based practice considers how choreography can be an empathic practice rooted in collaborative creation, close observation, and the body as a site of a cumulative embodied archive.

Britta Wirthmüller

Britta Wirthmüller is a dancer and choreographer based in Berlin. Her work explores what usually remains invisible, for example forgotten dances or the hidden layers of a city’s history.
You find the link to the video ↪  here.
Available from 22.06.21 / 19:00 continuously until 27.06.21 / 23:00.
Free of charge
Concept, choreography: Justine A. Chambers, Margaret Dragu, William Locke Wheeler, Britta Wirthmüller | Dance: Justine A. Chambers, Margaret Dragu, William Locke Wheeler, Britta Wirthmüller, Kasia Wolińska | Set design: William Locke Wheeler | Outside Eye: Kasia Wolińska | Sound design, technical direction: Nikola Pieper | Video: Walter Bickmann/Tanzforum Berlin | Production management: Dino Spiri | PR: Denhart van Harling | Graphic design: Carsten Stabenow, Milchhof Atelier | Photos: Anja Weber.

Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds | The project is part of the culture program related to Canada’s Guest of Honour presentation at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2021. We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Government of Canada.