Uferstudios 1
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Andreas Schmiedecker


Time to Meet · Work in Progress by Darko Radosavljev

In the frame of Open Spaces#3-2018

Seascapes often depict ships and moments of turbulence in which people travel and move in order to reach and (re)experience acquaintances and loved ones, places and possible memories.
In his dance solo »Seascape« choreographer and dancer Darko Radosavljev captures the theme of the moving journey. But instead of understanding the destination as the final point of contact, he develops a landscape of moving memories that directly stimulates exchange and flow.

Concept, choreography, dance: Darko Radosavljev | Dramaturgical advice: Thomas Schaupp, Andreas Schmiedecker, Linda Pilar Brodhag | Set: Dragan Denda | Costume: Anne Bentgens, Darko Radosavljev | Lighting technology: Lea Dietrich |  Video documentation: Andreas Schmiedecker |  A production by Darko Radosavljev, supported by the Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, tanzhaus nrw, Pact Zollverein.

Darko Radosavljev

Darko Radosavljev is a dancer and choreographer born in Serbia, based in Berlin and Essen. He studied at Folkwang University of the Arts (BA Dance), P.A.R.T.S. (Reserach Cycle) and Goldsmiths University of London (MA Art&Politics). He has danced and performed in works of Pina Bausch, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, Jason Danino Holt, Nadja Raszewski a.o. In his own work he often looks for physical answers and scenarios on questions of belonging, emotional affect and humor. His works were shown at Liverpool Biennial, Performing Arts Festival Berlin, Act! Bilbao a.o. Since season 2017/18 he is a member of the Folkwang Ensemble in Essen.