Raumchoreografie by Moritz Majce, Adam (aka Sandra) Man
Gliding between gaze, voice, image and body.
In their spatial choreographies, Moritz Majce and Sandra Man create spaces for audiences in which seeing and hearing become direct physical experiences. Their point of entry searches for something other than the mirror-like opposition of performer and audience. In »Narkosis«, they thematize this narcissistic relationship and place it in a state of suspense: between narcissism as a symptom of the present and the ancient myth of Narcissus and Echo, between gaze and voice, image and body a gliding and drifting unfold which transform self-absorption into self-forgetfulness and lets the auditorium become a cave.
Idea, concept: Moritz Majce + Sandra Man | with Charlie Fouchier, Christine Börsch-Supan and a space chorus | A production by Moritz Majce + Sandra Man, funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds, supported by Tanzfabrik Berlin.
In the frame of the dance campaign „Watch Me Dance“.
Sa 4.11. After Talk
German premiere