Buchpräsentation by Jeroen Peeters
The Belgian dramaturge and writer Jeroen Peeters presents his new book on spectatorship in contemporary dance in conversation with Stefanie Wenner and Martin Nachbar.
How does contemporary dance operate in today’s visual regime? How does it question dominant cultural ideals of the body? In his book Jeroen Peeters seeks to articulate the critical potential of alternative approaches to physical expression and the creation of body images that are vulnerable and permeable to the world. Experimental choreographers such as Alexander Baervoets, Boris Charmatz, Meg Stuart, Benoît Lachambre, Vera Mantero, Philipp Gehmacher, Jennifer Lacey and Nadia Lauro, and deufert & plischke challenge and expand spectatorship, including the corporeal, technological and cultural elements that support the ways we see, hear, sense and imagine.
Jeroen Peeters, Through the Back: Situating Vision between Moving Bodies, Helsinki: Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts (Kinesis series 5), ISBN: 978-952-6670-38-6. More info on the book: http://sarma.be/pages/Through_the_Back.