Uferstudios 12
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Ehab Abdellatif

Baladi Dance from a feminist perspective

Dance Workshop by Nora Amin

In the frame of Tanznacht Forum: Feminist School Berlin

Dance for yourself! In this dance workshop, Nora Amin will work with her signature approach to the language and techniques of Baladi dance to take a feminist stance on the dance style known as belly dance. Participants will develop personal readings and diverse embodiments of this dance to counter questionable ideals of beauty and prejudice against non-normative bodies. Dancing beyond patriarchal models, emotions and bodies can merge and healing begin in an ecstatic celebration of individuality and being.

Attention: The places are limited and a registration is necessary. We urgently ask you to cancel  in advance if you can't come.

Access Information
The dance workshop lasts a total of 2 hours with a minimum 10-minute break in the middle. The language to be used will be agreed with the group; options are English, Arabic, or French, or a combination if required. The workshop is open to all body owners except endo-cis males, as it is important for the work to protect the space as far as possible from objectifying/sexist gazes. No previous dance experience is required. Not all movements will be verbalized in detail. Non-verbal communication will be required as well as verbal communication. Assistants are welcome. Music will be played.
The workshop will take place in Studio 12 at Uferstudios. For detailed directions, click ↪ here. It is a no-stairs, wheelchair-accessible dance studio with three glass doors to the courtyard. It is regularly ventilated during all breaks and the hygiene regulations in force at the time will be observed. The accessible toilet is located in the booth opposite, in front of Studio 3. It is necessary to walk about 5 meters outsdoors to reach it. In the event of bad weather, we will provide extra cleaning facilities. 3 Judo mats and 3 beanbags will be available for resting. If you have any questions about accessibility, feel free to contact Juan Harcha by email at: harcha@tanzfabrik-berlin.de or by phone at: 030-200 592.

Information about our team and our awareness guidelines can be found here. 

Nora Amin

Nora Amin (she/her) is a choreographer, dancer, theatre director, author and scholar. She is an expert/consultant at LAFT/PAP, advisor to Kuyum Dance Platform and board member of the German Center of the International Theater Institute. Nora Amin holds a PhD in performing arts and cultural policy. Her publications include: “Migrating the Feminine / Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch” (2018), and “Dance of the Persecuted / Tanz der Verfolgten” (2021). She is a co-curator/creator of the MA program “Participation, communities, Activism” at London Contemporary Dance School, The Place. Nora Amin wants to follow a path that blurs the boundaries between community dance and staged dance by allowing non-dancers to contribute to reinventing established forms. 
Duration: 120 minutes
In English, Arabic and French.

Free of charge
Registration required