Uferstudios Wedding Hof Stage
Photos: Milica Nikolić

Failure as Practice

Interventionen by Darko Dragičević , City Guerilla Belgrade, Berlin Artists
In the frame of Open Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019

An error is simply a failure to adjust immediately from a preconception to an actuality. John Cage

Failure is something we are ashamed of, we want to hide it, make it unnoticeable. Success integrates; while failure means being rejected by society. But what happens when non-normative bodies come into the picture, opening up new spaces of counterhegemonic opportunity? These new possibilities could mark the shifts of existing configurations by rearranging the hegemonic dominance of the state, institutions and normative politics as alternative ethical views. »Failure as Practice« is a series of site-specific interventions aiming to create different, parallel lines of communality by means of resisting the general valorization of success.

Concept, artistic direction: Darko Dragičević | Artistic cooperation, performance: Christina Ciupke, Shannon Cooney, Joséphine Evrard, Jule Flierl, Zeina Hanna, Dragana Krtinić, Zorica Milisavljević, Lulu Obermayer, Martin Sonderkamp, Mirjana Utvić | A production of Goethe-Instituts Belgrad, coproduction: Tanzfabrik Berlin.

Duration one hour each

Darko Dragičević

Darko Dragičević (1979, Belgrade) lives and works as a visual artist, performer and filmmaker in Berlin. In his artistic practice, he explores the interfaces between visual art, choreography, video, film and performance across different media. Since 2003, he has shown his work internationally in various solo and group exhibitions, festivals and curated programs such as the Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade, the Kunstmuseum Bonn, The Armory Show New York, the Oberhausen Film Festival, the Ann Arbor Festival Michigan and Tanzfabrik Berlin. Since 2017 he has been working with the Goethe-Institut Belgrade as artistic director on the projects «Failure as Practice»,«Lie & Theft as Practice», «Inequality as Practice». As a lecturer he teaches at the SKH Stockholm University of the Arts, Freie Universität Berlin, Folkwang Universität Essen and the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.  darkodragicevic.com

City Guerilla Belgrade

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Berlin Artists

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