Performance · Premiere by Porson’s Khashoggi: Andrea Rama + Xeni Alexandrou
The representation of the human form in a surrealistic environment.
In »Philosophy«, the performer introduces another possible human being who does not exist: his own reflection in the surrounding mirrors. This ‘impossible human‘ attempts to make the repressed individuality re-emerge through the reflection of ourselves in a mirror. Over the course of the solo’s development, the audience becomes the impossible human, confirming that both dancer and the multiple reflections of his body parts, effectively comply with the same definition: human.
Concept, Choreography: Xeni Alexandrou | Performance, choreografic cooperation: Andrea Rama | Sound: Gosla | Set design, costume: Porson‘s Khashoggi | Production: Porson‘s Khashoggi | Supported by La Ménagerie de verre à Paris (Studiolab), Duncan Dance Research Center - Athens, NRW Mittelzentrum Bonn, Maison du Portugal – André de Gouveia à Paris, Mission Culturelle du Luxembourg en France.
coming soon
Tickets: 15 / 10€