Performance · Deutschlandpremiere by Ixchel Mendoza Hernández
A condition of permanent change creates the presence of the invisible.
»The Reversed Alchemist: Figure 1-3« is a choreographic ritual in three parts, an invitation to an alchemical process that seeks to transform perception instead of matter. Was the original goal of alchemy, the experience of a deeper meaning, stopped by the greed for gold? Can this be compared with the greed for the consumption of information in our era? On the search for an emancipatory position against the hyper accelerated information overload the piece opens up a space for poetic reflection on the relationship between information and perception.
Choreography, performance, concept: Ixchel Mendoza Hernández | Dramaturgy: Matthias Mohr | Music, sound installation: Martin Lutz, Kyan Bayani | Light design-installation: Catalina Fernandez | Costume: Malena Modéer | PR: Johannes Fellmann | Produktion: M.i.C.A. - Movement in Contemporary Art/Raisa Kröger, Katharina Meyer | Gefördert durch den Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Tickets: 15 / 10€