Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

UnlOcking (verbum)

Lecture & Talk by Nora Amin

In the frame of Open Spaces/Sommer Tanz 2019

Based on her experience as a performer and as a person, Nora Amin will guide us through the performative power of movement and dance in connection to recognizing emotional pain, physical memory and establishing a healing experience through expression and human bonding.

Nora Amin

Nora Amin (she/her) is a choreographer, dancer, theatre director, author and scholar. She is an expert/consultant at LAFT/PAP, advisor to Kuyum Dance Platform and board member of the German Center of the International Theater Institute. Nora Amin holds a PhD in performing arts and cultural policy. Her publications include: “Migrating the Feminine / Weiblichkeit im Aufbruch” (2018), and “Dance of the Persecuted / Tanz der Verfolgten” (2021). She is a co-curator/creator of the MA program “Participation, communities, Activism” at London Contemporary Dance School, The Place. Nora Amin wants to follow a path that blurs the boundaries between community dance and staged dance by allowing non-dancers to contribute to reinventing established forms. 

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