Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

W-12 / Dancing Between

Workshop with Minako Seki

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2018/19

In search of ourselves we always move between two poles. In between these poles lie the facets of our being. We will work and research intensely, drawing from all the possibilities this intermediate space leaves for movement and expression. Minako Seki is never definite, and yet clear when she tells about her own fears and those determined by others, about listening and obeying, about desire and constraint - and about the respective intermediate spaces and pending states which the title "Dancing Between" suggests. In suspension between delight and confusion, in the indecisiveness of being. Throughout the past twenty years, Minako Seki has developed her own bodytechnique and teaching method. The Seki Method works with the TanDen, centre of the body, and origin of energy and movement. It is based on simple essential principles of nature and physics and its transformation into the dancing body. The theme of this workshop revolves around the centre of Minako Seki's current artistic research.

Minako Seki

Since more than 40 years, Minako Seki has developed her own movement technique and teaching method. The Seki Method works with the TanDen, centre of the body, and origin of our energy and movement. It is based on simple essential principles of nature and physics that support the dancing body. The Seki Method investigates the communication between the conscious and subconscious, the description of emotional states and the boundaries between reality and illusion. www.minakoseki.com 

Level: Open
In English
Not barrier-free