Performance · Premiere by July Weber
The fear of invisibility in our digitized world becomes a driving force for physical and choreographic questions. Over the course of this debate, »sight seeing« is confronted with what constitutes a human being and what
constitutes the inhuman. The influence of human beings on the planet has recently become more than visible so that humanity itself can be seen as a geological force. This point of view is used to destabilize the anthropocentric perspective and to conduct research into the fragility of a multi-
dimensional corporeality. In dialogue with Lynn Suemitsu, Julian Weber establishes a temporary living space which invites the spectator to engage in »sight seeing«.
An exploration of the fragility of a multidimensional corporeality.
Choreography, Dance, Stage: Julian Weber | Music: Lynn Suemitsu | Stage: Jonas Maria Droste | Light, Performance: Maika Knoblich | Assistance, Performance: Pierre Marie Besse | Costume: Don Aretino | Production: David Eckelmann, Juan Gabriel Harcha | Support: Hauptstadtkulturfonds | Coproduction: workspacebrussels/Life Long Burning with support by the European Culture Programme and Tanzfabrik Berlin in the frame of apap – Performing Europe 2020, cofunded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.