Work in Progress by Julia Schwarzbach
"Time to Meet" is a series of open rehearsals and discussions, a meeting place for exchange and feedback on artistic processes, this time with the artist Julia Schwarzbach.
In this new project, Julia and dancer Emmi Väisänen, accompanied by performer/musician Nic Lloyd, inhabit a space of shifting terrains where they work to access diverse possible worlds: desert, ice floe, lone hut high in the mountains, the edge of a great plain, tectonic plates beneath our feet. They are alone together in a space of intimate separation, distanced proximity, and lone navigation. As they move on the space folds and unfolds, bends and curves, elongates and telescopes, blurring distinctions between distant pasts, possible futures, and alternative presents. Julia´s projects explore ideas and forms of co-existence, being-with and functional equality: between performers, spectators/participants, and physical materials, creating spaces of deceleration and intimite atmospheres. Accompanied by dance scientist Anna Leon we invite you to join us in this current state of the process and to talk together.
Concept, Performance, Choreography: Julia Schwarzbach | Performance, Choreography: Emmi Väisänen | Sound: Nic Lloyd | Dramaturgical accompaniment: Anna Leon | Space/materials: Ragna Heiny | Production: Katharina Frieda Meier | Supported by Kultur Stadt Salzburg, Kultur Land Salzburg, tanz_house Salzburg | Coproduction: Toihaus Theater Salzburg, Tanzfabrik Berlin in the frame of apap performing europe 2020.
Julia Schwarzbach is a dancer and choreographer based in Salzburg. Since 2016 she is part of the network apap-Performing Europe 2020 by SZENE Salzburg. Over the last 10 years she has collaborated with artists such as Sasha Waltz, Tania Bruguera, Ivana Müller, Gill Clark, Rosalind Crisp, Zoe Knights, Barbara Bess, Claudia Heu and LaborGras. Since 2009 she creates her own work. "loops and breaks" (2012-) began as a research project in Austria and Germany, exploring and testing the relationship between performer and audience - an ongoing interest. The show toured the UK and Spain in 2014, playing venues such as Barbican London, Matadero Madrid, Traverse Theatre Edinburgh. In 2014 Julia initiated the interdisciplinary performance collective under construction. The group showed their first work at Sommerszene 2015 and collaborates with guests like Silke Bake, Martin Nachbar and Claudia Heu. The same year Julia choreographed a work on the Yugsamas movement collective and conducted a research residency at Impulstanz Vienna with performer and DJ Nic Lloyd. Born out of this research Julia and Nic keep developing the duet `Recreation` (2016-). For Toihaus Theatre Salzburg Julia creates and tours performances for young audiences all around the globe. She graduated from SEAD Salzburg and holds an MA in Performance and Creative Research from Roehampton University London. Her practice is informed by an interest in experiential anatomy and somatic practices like Kleintechnique and BMC, looking at the structures and architectures of the body and questioning ideas of natural and built (human) environments.
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