Tour durch die Stadt by Gabriele Reuter
On the way from its initial base of operations in Kreuzberg to the new production location in Uferstudios, the choreographer, dancer and urbanist Gabriele Reuter provides insight into the collective history of dance and Tanzfabrik over the last four decades. The tour will paint a sketch of Tanzfabrik, composed of the interactions between people and places, urban policy changes, historical fissures, existential crises, world tours and coincidences. Some eyewitnesses can also be heard via headphones.
A Journey by foot, bus and train on the trail of history.
approx. 18:00 arrival & reception at Tanzfabrik Berlin Wedding, Uferstudio 13
+ Audio installation from "Tanzgeschichte(n) Neu Denken” with interviews and discussions in a walk-in installation (* 14.-22.7 daily from 18:00 in Uferstudio 13)
Idea, concept, implementation: Gabriele Reuter | In german | In cooperation with StattReisen Berlin. | Edit: Mattef Kuhlmey | Audiomaterial: Interviews with Claudia Feest, Christa Flaig-Isaacs, Eva-Maria Hoerster, Gisela Müller, Ludger Orlok, AnnA Stein, music by Klaus Staffa and audio documents* from the installation "Tanzgeschichte (n) Neu Denken" by artists and scientists of the FU Tanzwissenschaft: Jeanne Chapy, Sarah Gressmann, Nicole Kohlmann, Nina Patricia Hänel | Concept, idea of „Tanzgeschichte(n) Neu Denken“: Kirsten Maar, Britta Wirthmüller
For the 2.5 -3 hour tour with headphones, one BVG single ticket AB is required. Start at Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg, end at Tanzfabrik Wedding. Please don't forget to bring enough water and sufficient sun protection for this tour.
Please note: The number of headphones is limited and we will give them out from 30 minutes before the tour.
Registration not required.
Meeting point: Tanzfabrik Kreuzberg, Möckernstr. 68 left in the courtyard.