Workshop with Michael Turinsky
Michael Turinsky defines crip choreography as a critical artistic practice that takes its departure from the singularity of lived experience, its spatial and temporal, affective and libidinal facticity. From there it takes a leap towards a complexity of ideas relating to disability, politics and/or aesthetics. So, it will be about doing both: move and feel as well as think and talk. In between we’ll just mess around a bit, or rest and relax or follow the dark edge of our sweetest dreams. Core issues that will be explored are affect and representation, stillness, slowness and repetition, vibration and pulse, regular and irregular, shape and image, hypervisibility and invisibility, negativity and pleasure.
Wheelchair accessible studio.
Michael Turinsky lives and works as a choreographer, performer and theorist in Vienna. He is interested, on the one hand, in an in-depth discussion of the specific phenomenology of the body marked as "handicapped", and on the other in the rigorous examination of discourses around the productive tension between politics and aesthetics. Between 1998 and 2005 he studied philosophy at the University of Vienna. As a performer, he collaborated among others with Bert Gstettner, Barbara Kraus, Legitimate Bodies / Robin Dingemans / Mick Bryson and Doris Uhlich ("Ravemachine"). His most important choreographic work "heteronomous male" (2012), "my body, your pleasure" (2014), as well as his recent works "Second Skin - turn the beat around" and "Second Skin - Master of Ceremony" (both 2016) , His collaboration with Doris Uhlich "Ravemachine" received the 2017 Nestroy Special Prize. Michael Turinsky gave lectures and workshops, among others at the Universities of Linz and Salzburg, at the College Art Association in New York, at the Tanzquartier Wien as well as at Impulstanz-Festival. He published in various journals and journals.
Level: Open