Uferstudios 3
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin
Photo: Yuula Benivolski

The Ride is You

Performance-Projekt with Alicia Grant

I would like to spend time together in a place of emptiness and void, in a place of stimulation and overwhelm. We can be in the middle of the storm. 
a place to see ourselves
a place to feel ourselves
a place to feel ourselves in others
a place to enter and exit
a place to deal with expectations
a place for toughness
a place for softness

receiving receiving receiving and giving
performing with and for each other

With a do-it-yourself bedroom mood, we will investigate the texture of being alive with others. I am concerned with creating things that are not immediately decipherable, things that morph and shift. A little bit of crusty rock music, a little bit of motivational trap will accompany us.

Inspired by the action of banging on a drum with 1000% of yourself.

Fee: 180 € / red: 160 € / professional dancers: 140 € | Application for the project: mueller@tanzfabrik-berlin.de

Additionally you can join the contemporary class: Mo & Wed 18:15-19:45

We will deal with aloneness and togetherness. How can we slide between our inner worlds and outer worlds? Tapping into all available anatomical and imagined anchors, we will dance hard dances, and soft dances. Alone, in partners and as a group. The connection//distance between us will fuel the work that we do. We will ask big and small questions regarding boundaries, limits, expectations, choice-making, togetherness, autonomy, and surprises. We will practice being aware of what is happening, forgetting to do that, and then remembering again. Principles from the dance freak lineage, digital attention spans and kinesthetic whatever will guide our time together. Some things that may happen: hand-clapping for morale, personal dances, hypnotism, power stances, rhythmic breathing, crowd-surfing, free flailing, craniosacral rhythm sailing, cell-shaking, peripheral vision training, dark holes of worry, vibrant shining inner lights and laughing. Bring all of the vigour and tenderness you need to be able to work.

Fee: For people joining the performance project: 110 € for the training period during the project / For everybody else: 10x card: 100 € / red.: 90 € / prof.: 75 €

Alicia Grant

Alicia Grant is a choreographer and dancer based in Berlin. She received a BFA in Dance from York University in Toronto, Canada. Her work in performance, video and installation has been presented in North America and Europe from stages to swimming pools to abandoned factories to galleries. She is one part of WITCHTITS, with Zinzi Buchanan and works in various constellations with other makers in Toronto, Berlin and Zagreb. As a dancer and collaborator, she has worked with Zoja Smutny, Isabelle Schad, Shannon Cooney, Irena Čurik and Andrea Spaziani. She shares why-am-i-alive dance practices at Studio 303 in Montreal, Love-In in Toronto, Ponderosa in Stolzenhagen and Tanzfabrik Berlin. She is interested in power dynamics, transformation, fear and intimacy and is currently developing a moody towel practice in Wedding.

Mon + Wed 20:00-22:00 
Showing: 28.3.2018 / 21:00 
Registration for the project: mueller@tanzfabrik-berlin.de 
Phone 030.786 58 61

starts 19.2.