Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

O-4 / The Instrument: Dance Composition and Aliveness

Workshop with Maya M. Carroll

In the frame of Oster Tanz 2018

Involving improvisation techniques as well as personal experiences, we work with our presence, choice, vision and the interplay between movement and image. Engaging these elements in the process of dance making; we open an awareness to real-time situations and narrative, ways of seeing and composing. In practice, we will look at how we relate to our physical-self and to each other through a myriad of touch, weight and proximity, gesture and time. Drawing fascination from relationships between people, environments and memories; these qualities indicate choices we take alone and together within the dynamics of instant composition. The workshop engages with mindfulness and imaginative thinking, encouraging flow and bodily wisdom as a pathway to dance making and performance. Allowing precision as well as 'open ends' to come into play, we will look at how pieces emerge, and the universes they create. Please send a very short text about your main research interests relating to this workshop directly to Maya M. Carroll: contact.the.instrument@gmail.com

Maya M. Carroll

Maya Matilda Carroll is a choreographer, dancer and mentor, based in Europe since 2004. For over 18 years she has been creating independent work; from solo to extended group pieces, which she presents all over Europe and worldwide. In 2011 Maya formed The Instrument with her partner, composer / musician Roy Carroll. In her work Maya expresses human conditions intimately and universally; seeking a deeper connection to the (mystery / reality of) self, other/s and to nature. Working independently as well as being commissioned to create pieces for state theaters, independent companies and dance academies, Maya leads master classes and workshops in Europe and abroad, extensively developing her teaching alongside her artistic work; drawn from and towards the limitless expression of the dancing body.  www.theinstrument.org

Level: Intermediate/Advanced
In English