Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Videostill: Timo Chesney

Susi & Gabi’s Salon - 100 questions on contemporary dance

Salon by Gabriele Reuter, Susanne Martin

„Susi & Gabi's Salon is a performance format for discussion and exchange between audience and performers - between chaos and plan, play without limits, imprography and choreosation, discovering impossible questions and astonishing answers.“
Susanne Martin & Gabriele Reuter

In this Salon, Susanne Martin and Gabriele Reuter devote themselves to the phenomena of contemporary dance and its working methods; practical, theoretical, with audience participation, and invited guest artists. In this autumn edition the Salon presents the works of the Martin Sonderkamp and Darko Dragicevic, as well as the collaboration between Shannon Cooney, Alicia Grant, Claudia Tomasi and Josefine Mühle. Both projects are part of the Open Spaces # 3 performance program of Tanzfabrik Berlin (1 - 6 November 2017).
Reuter and Martin’s Salons have already been presented 12 times and with over 30 guest artists between 2011 and 2013 in Berlin, Nottingham, Leicester and Plymouth. Festival-Specials have been developed for Tanz Hoch Zwei Festival of Tanzfabrik and the nottdance Festival in Nottingham.

Within the frame of mapping dance berlin. mapping dance berlin is a module of Attention Dance, a project of Tanzbüro Berlin, supported by Zeitgenössischer Tanz Berlin e.V. and Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH. The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the State of Berlin.

Gabriele Reuter

Gabriele Reuter is a dance artist, pedagogue and urbanist, who works at the interface of choreography and urban research. Her stage works, audio walks and sound installations were shown at venues and international festivals across the UK, in Chile, Turkey, France and Germany. As an educator, performer, mentor and moderator, Gabriele facilitates movement in a variety of contexts, transferring knowledge between dance and other disciplines. Teaching references include HZT Berlin, London Contemporary Dance School, Hochschule für Tanz und Musik Köln, Sareyyet Ramallah, Freiburg Contact Festival, Nottingham University, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. In 2022 she qualified as a systemic and agile coach for teams. www.gabrielereuter.de

Susanne Martin

Susanne Martin (PhD) performs, researches, teaches and publishes in the field of contemporary dance and artistic research. She focuses on improvisation and contact improvisation for the stage and educational contexts. Among other things, she is interested in how dance critically intervenes in our age(ing) culture and how dance improvisation influences the teaching and learning culture in universities. www.susannemartin.de

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