Kreuzberg 3
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Evelyn Seidel

W-08 / Body-Mind Centering: Die Kraniale Ebene

Workshop with Lambrini Konstantinou

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2017/18

Based on the Body-Mind Centering approach, this workshop focuses on the highest anatomical level of the human body - the cranium. The human skull and the facial bones consist of several connected, as well as individual bones of different embryological origin. In addition to their function of supporting and protecting the organs, this part of the body is responsible for our thinking, our emotions and the sensory perceptions. Cognitive, physical and psychological experiences are stored there. We will explore and expand on all these aspects by imaginative visualization and physical movement. Our breath as the connecting element will play an essential role. If it is consciously used between the cranial and facial bones, the metabolism can be stimulated and stored stress can be reduced. This affects physical alignment, supports better grounding and creates new positive impulses and movement qualities. Together and through the dance, we will explore, develop and celebrate these new discoveries.

Lambrini Konstantinou

Lambrini Konstantinou, dancer, choreographer, dance pedagogue, Body-Mind Centering ® practitioner and teacher; Certified Movement Analyst; Osteopath focusing on Craniosacral and Pediatric Osteopathy; Somatic Experiencing-Trauma Healing. Lambrini combines anatomical knowledge with movement meditation, bodywork, dance and creative expression. The fulcrum (centre) of her work lies particularly in the cross-referencing of these disciplines, which regard the body as a unity of soma, mind and soul and approaching each other through researching structure and function of the tissue. All of this happens in the continuum of micro and macro, internally and externally as well as in the artistic expression of the body as a whole, both in silence and movement.

Level: Open
In German