Performance-Projekt with Tamar Grosz
This project will investigate how a simple and clear message on stage can contain many layers. We will use audio recordings of texts that will be created by us.
As a second step, we will investigate the performative value of those messages and work to create a rainbow of meanings. And last will be to focus those physical creation into a harmonic retheme that audience can understand digest and enjoy.
Fee: 180 € / red: 160 € / professional dancers: 140 € | Application for the project:
Additionally you can join the contemporary class:
It is a physical class suitable for people in all stages of their dance development. The class touches elements of diverse techniques such as gaga, yoga, body-mind centering and release. We extract from the combination of this methods, an ability to connect many of our layers (physical, mental, energetic, spiritual, emotional) through movement. Through movement we also work to release our restrictions and expand our mental/physical flexibility and creativity. It is a deep but fun class made for people who enjoy exploring their consciousness states while being physical.
Mo & Wed 18:15-19:45 | Fee: For people joining the performance project: 110 € for the training period during the project / For everybody else: 10x card: 100 € / red.: 90 € / prof.: 75 €
Mon + Wed 20:00-22:00
Showing: 20.12.2017 / 21:00
Phone 030.786 58 61