In a series of dialogues in the afternoon, and performative encounters between dance, music and words in the evening, TANZNACHT FORUM – unsettled landscapes tries to unfold urgencies, political and social relations as well as possible historical connections that inform and form the work of contemporary choreographers in Berlin and Europe.
20:00-22:00 Part 2: Encounters in dance, music and words
Performance mit Oliver Connew, Brendan Dougherty, Lisanne Goodhue, Martin Hiendl, Renen Itzhaki, Katharina Meves, Elpida Orfanidou, Peter Pleyer. Konzept von Julian Weber.
Six artists are invited to dance and speak. They do so starting from what is happening in their bodies, in the space, in their work, in the world - from microscopic to global observations. In successive solos of movement and language, the body charged by the dance recalls and speaks of this biographically moved place. An interplay between word and movement is established, which is continually questioning, where the impulses for dynamical changes and transformation processes can be localized. The music of Brendan Dougerthy and Martin Hiendl will be the connecting element through the evening, sometimes taking over the stage, sometimes withdrawing into the background.
Information for Part 1: 15:00-19:00 3 dialogues on contemporary aesthetics in dance
TANZNACHT-FORUM 2017 curated by Silke Bake, Jacopo Lanteri, Julian Weber | With the support of apap - Performing Europe 2020 | Co-founded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and the Berlin Senatsverwaltung Kultur und Europa.
TANZNACHT-FORUM will take place for the second time in the interim year of the biennial TANZNACHT BERLIN to discuss the current issues of contemporary dance. In August 2018, TANZNACHT BERLIN will happen again, celebrating its 20th birthday around the working theme ecology. Artists living in Berlin will be invited to interrogate the interdependencies and influences between dance/choreography and other artistic disciplines (especially music/composition), various working practices and dance historical narratives as well as the environment.
In cooperation with Étape Danse
Admission: 5 € (box office only)
In English and German