Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

O-2 / A Given Space of Time – Real Time Composition

Workshop with Mark Tompkins

In the frame of Oster Tanz 2017

When improvising, each performer is working simultaneously on many different levels of perception: listening, watching, sensing, acting, reacting to ones self and ones partners in a given space and time. The art of composing in real time resides in each performer’s ability to remain open to the wealth of internal and external impulses, and to receive, process and propose material in an uninterrupted flow of feedback. How to avoid overload, how to stay actively attentive, how to do nothing and still act? These are some of the questions that will be addressed through a series of improvisational games and scores that acknowledge and sharpen the sensations and perceptions – touch, vision, hearing, weight. To develop our inner and outer concentration, we explore the notions of shift, letting go, simultaneous time, active/passive, center/support and the roles of performer, witness and spectator.

Mark Tompkins

Mark Tompkins, American performer and choreographer living in Paris since 1973, he founds the Company I.D.A. in 1983. Over the years, his unique way of fabricating unidentified performance objects has become his signature: solos, group pieces, concerts and site-specific performances that mix dance, music, voice, video and text. His passion for real time composition leads him to collaborate with many dancers and musicians. Renowned for his teaching, he travels around the world. His recent performances are inspired by popular forms like music hall, cabaret, vaudeville, burlesque and musical comedy: BLACK’N’BLUES, OPENING NIGHT, SHOWTIME, STARDUST with Jeremy Wade, A POWER BALLAD with Mariana Tengner Barros, NEVER MIND THE FUTURE with Sarah Murcia, A WIND OF MADNESS with the Mladinsko Theatre in Ljubljana, Slovenia and LE PRINTEMPS. In 2008, he receives the SACD prize for Choreography for all his work. www.idamarktompkins.com

Level: Movement experience
in English