Kreuzberg 4
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin

W-14 / Axis Syllabus

Workshop with Francesca Pedullà

In the frame of Winter Tanz 2016/17

Francesca’s teaching reflects her ongoing research and application of the anatomically respectful, bio-mechanically functional principles of the Axis Syllabus. It puts focus on the body's complex architecture; how dynamic and how sensitive it can be. How every movement, from structurally supported action to expressive gesture, is the result of continuous adaptations to internal and external conditions. Through the study of biomechanics, musicality and space relationships and collective discussions her workshop gives a structural basis and build a common store of technical references for participants at all levels. In each session, time is dedicated to guided improvisation and creative games for channeling the expressive potential of the individual and collective body which will be picked up and further explored in the set movement phrases.

Francesca Pedullà

Francesca Pedullà is an independent artist-curator and Axis Syllabus teacher. She graduated in History of Theatre and Performing Arts. She holds a diploma as a professor of African Dance Expression - Centre Artistique 6-éme Parallel - FEIDA Bordeaux, directed by Koffi Koko. Since 1998 she has spent several months out of the year living in Benin, who's rich culture has been a profound artistic inspiration. Since 2005, she develops artistic works and cultural cooperation projects as choreographer and artistic director in both Europe and Benin. Her latest works were presented at the Institute Français de Cotonou (Benin), FITHEB (Benin), Teatro della Tosse (Genoa), Teatro dell' Archivolto (Genoa), TroisC L (Luxembourg), Festival Biennale Passage 012 (Bielefeld), Tanzfabrik Berlin, Haus der Berliner Festspiele (Berlin) a.o. Currently based in Berlin, she choreographs, performs and teaches throughout Europe, the USA, Canada, Israel, Brazil and Benin. www.francescapedulla.org

Level: Movement experience
in English