What remains after going to the theater and experiencing a performance? What do we remember and, most of all, how do we remember it? Ayara Hernández Holz asked different audience members to think back on a show that left an impression on them. She then compiled these recorded accounts into a video performance installation, opening up a kaleidoscopic memory space for the beholder. For Tanznacht Berlin, Hernández Holz will add to her archive with voices and pieces from Berlin.
Concept: Ayara Hernández Holz | Mentors: Nik Haffner and Maria Muñoz | Collaborator: Felix Marchand | Translations: Elena Oña, Sabina Carrao and Ayara Hernández Holz | Thanks to: Toni Cots, Ric Allsopp, Katy Connor, Ixiar Rozas and all the participants of the videos.