Performance by Hanna Hegenscheidt
The performance is based on the glamorous cinematic melodrama, “Imitation of Life” by Douglas Sirk, and focuses on the relationships between mothers and daughters, black and white women, and men and career-oriented women. Hegenscheidt radically liberates and resamples the dialogue and body language of the film. She brings together narrative and choreography to create continuously shifting spatial and rhythmic arrangements, which offer up new contexts and interpretations.
By and with Lisa Densem, Grayson Millwood, Anna-Luise Recke, Laurie Young | Idea and Concept: Hanna Hegenscheidt and Ulrich Huhn | Collaboration: Ulrich Huhn, Moritz Nitsche, Franziska Schrage, Stephan Weiland | Light: Benjamin Schälike | Sound:TITO. Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund. Supported by Mime Centrum Berlin and Tanzfabrik Berlin.