Performance-Projekt with Katja Mustonen
This 7 week long performance practice focuses on articulating presence and altering states through images, sensations, movements and actions. Each session will be a combination of warming up with particular movement ideas, which is followed by framing conditions for further explorations around the dynamics of our thinking bodies. Engaging in the process of making choices, we’ll emphasize the practice of generosity and giving permission at the basis of learning from our experiences. Going solo, duo, trio, ensamble, we’ll sketch a wide range of tools that will enample us to be playful within our encounters and compositions in shared space and time. By telling stories, we search past narratives, and instead aim to manifest wider range of physical imaginariums, athmospheres, abstractions and moving poetry.
Fee: 180 € / red: 160 € / professional dancers: 140 € / Application for the project:
Additionally you can join the Contemporary Dance Training
This Contemporary Dance training combines inspirations from various sources such as yoga, somatic principles, floor work, and other release based techniques. We start with a warm-up that awakens the body-mind, engages breath, and draws attention to the sensations of gravity, flow, and the ability to move with ease. Emphasizing the articulations of spine while creating a mobile base for moving with an actively engaged periphery, the warm-up is followed by phrases that build up towards more complexity. Focusing on the changes of level, locomotion, directions in space and altering the tone of the body, we engage the whole body through various ways such as bodywork, improvisation, and given movement phrases. This class aims at developing both, the gain of physical strength as well as the effortlessness of the body in motion.
Open training: Mo & Wed18:15- 19:45 / Fee: 10x card: 95 € / red.: 90 € / prof.: 75 €
Katja Mustonen (FIN/GER) is a Finnish dance maker and teacher, currently based in Berlin, working as a nomad. She graduated as dancer in Finland 2004, and holds a MA degree in "Contemporary Dance Education"(MA CoDE, HfMDK,Frankfurt 2010). Since 2008, she’s been teaching Contemporary Dance, Improvisation and Contact Improvisation internationally in institutions, festivals and other venues for dance. In her artistic work, she is curious about the states of presence and body’s ability to transform, embody, and transmit images into knowledge, emotions, language and atmosphere’s. Also, merging photography, video, sound and text together with materials or objects continues fascinating her in terms of finding more ways to express ideas and execute movement, creating the larger body of her artistic work.
Mo + Wed 20:00-22:00
Showing 26.10.16 21:00