Workshop with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Many of us carry a deep and fundamental underlying layer of tension or discomfort. This unease expresses itself in our bodies, our minds, our movement, our relationships, and our creativity. Two fundamental aspects of this unease grow out of the relationship between our sense of form and our sense of flow. One arises from our attempt to hold onto form, to continually create and manipulate the form of who we are. The other arises from a continuous, ongoing flow without the stability of an underlying sense of form.
Our form or structure is more than our external shape. It is our body and mind and all the many aspects that we think of as being ‘me’. We hold our form through intellectual concepts, emotional patterns, physical compensations and physiological imbalances. All of these become interwoven into global patterns. Flow manifests as fluid motion spiraling through the body, connecting each cell to all other cells. It is the fluid field in which the cells breathe and move. Well-being is a deep sense of ease, comfort and inner restfulness. It comes when we let go of manipulating ourselves and rest in the essential form of who we are. It comes when we balance the liquidity of our free flowing movement with a deep sense of form.
In this workshop, we will explore ease and well-being through the body systems, developmental movement and embryological development. We will weave the fabric of our global patterns, where form and flow, internal and external, structure and process, emotion and cognition, spirit and flesh, and movement and stillness intertwine and dance. And here in this dance is where we find the ease of being who we are.
We have a waiting list. Please register online if you want to be added.
No prior experience with Body-Mind Centering® is necessary. You should have some experience with movement, bodywork, consciousness practice or other psychophysical discipline. Come with curiosity and sense of inquiry about movement, the body and the mind.
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen is a movement artist, researcher, educator, therapist and developer of the Body-Mind Centering® approach to movement and consciousness. BMC® is an exploration of how we embody our body systems, tissues and cells as well as our developmental movement patterns and embryological development. In 1973 she founded The School for Body-Mind Centering®. Her work has influenced the fields of dance, bodywork, yoga, body psychotherapy, infant and child development and many other body-mind disciplines. She is the author of the books Sensing, Feeling and Action and Mechanics of Vocalization, as well as numerous DVDs on dance, embodied anatomy, embryology and working with children with special needs.
Level: see description
in English