Kreuzberg 1
Möckernstr. 68
10965 Berlin
Photo: Jagna Anderson


Performance by Martin Clausen, Sten Rustrom, Alexander Frangenheim, Zufit Simon, Ingo Reulecke

In Streugut we slam several media together: movement, speech, voice and a musical instrument. We all come from varied trainings: our approach and understanding of expressing a feeling state, mood, attitude and/ or energy differs. We find common ground in the shared ability to listen, sense and pay attention. Whether it is a flash of movement, or a repeated phrase, we notice each other, following the sound and energy of the room or the music of the improvisation.

Martin Clausen

As an actor, performer and director Martin is strongly involved in developing stage pieces. Till 2011 he was producing his pieces together with Angela Schubot as TWO FISH Collective at Sophiensaele, HAU, Tanztage, Podewil and Theater an der Parkaue. Since 2013 he works als Martin Clausen und Kollegen at HAU. Martin performed i.a. at Vierte Welt, Uferstudios, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Radialsystem, Ballhaus Ost together with such groups as Gob Squad, boesediva, Bairishe Geisha, Urban Lies, Nico & the Navigators, Lubricat, post theater, SEE! as well as with Hanna Hegenscheidt, Andreas Liebmann, David Heiligers and Jasna Layes-Vinovrški. In 1999-2002 he completed his education as Alexander Technique teacher. Since 2008 he is teaching at the Performing Arts course of study at the Braunschweig University of Art (HBK Braunschweig). www.mclausenundkollegen.com 

Sten Rustrom

Sten Rudstrom started his educational career with a B.S. in Chemistry/Mathematics at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, 1982. In his graduate work, he found himself boxed for hours on end in a windowless room spinning unknown samples in multi-thousand dollar NMR machine. At this point in his life, he realized that he wanted to work with people. He travelled around Europe for 3.5 years trying to find himself, during which he witnessed a Canadian performance poetry duet in a small Berlin café. It seemed to him that the only difference between the performers and himself was that the performers were on stage. This epiphany triggered an arts education. He received a M.F.A.Fine Art/Performance from the California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, CA., 1989, then went on to complete a M.F.A Creative Writing/Poetry from The Naropa University, Boulder, CO., 1991. In 1986, he met Ruth Zaporah, developer of Action Theater™ and has continued to work with Action Theater™ and other forms of improvisation since that time. He teaches regularly internationally and is known to be inspiring, compassionate and challenging. Regularly students have told him that Action Theater™ work could apply directly to their own work environment. www.stenrudstrom.com

Alexander Frangenheim

doublebass, works as an improvisor since the late 1980ies and was a member of vario-34 and ensemble Zeitkratzer and WTTF Quartet. From 1997 to 2003 he organized the festival „concepts of doing – Interaktion Tanz Musik“ and was working with such artists as Nigel Charnock, Benoit Lachambre, Fine Kwiatkowski. He composed the music for the experimental film „EZB 2011-2012“, nominated for the German Film Award 2015 (director: Sabine Schöbel). Since 2005 in Berlin he created studioboerne45 and continued concepts of doing. 2015 he started new collaborations with musicians from Berlin and abroad. He has released more than 30 CDs including 2 solo CDs.


Zufit Simon

Dancer and choreographer, was born in Israel and based in germany since 1998.
She completed her dance education in Israel and Germany. In 2001, she received her degree in classical and contemporary Dance from the university for Music and performing Art Frankfurt a.M. Zufit Simon has since worked as a dancer e.g. with Saar Magal, Christoph Winkler, Cocoondance company, Sabine Glenz and Micha Purucker. In 2004, she choreographed her first solo “fleischlos”. It wan the third prize at the “best German Dance solo” competition at euro-scene Leipzig in 2005. Her successful piece “Adom Modulations” was shown on numerous festivals in Germany and abroad. In 2009, “Meine Mischpuche” which was awarded the third prize at the international Competition for choreographers Hannover and was presented during the Tanz im August festival 08` in Berlin.
One of her latest piece “I Like To Move It“ was presented at the German Dance Platform in Kampnagel Hamburg February 2014.

Ingo Reulecke

studied choreography at the college of the art “Ernst Busch” Berlin after completing his training in contemporary dance. 1994 and 97 study grants from the Berlin Senate for New York City. Guest lecturer at the collage the art “Ernst Busch” in Berlin and at the Palucca Hochschule in Dresden since 1995. 1998/99 DAAD scholarship for a year in NYC. 2009 Co-production with L. Matthaei for the site specific work „2109“ 2009 cooperation with the iranian director Ayat Najafi for „Lady Teheran“ 2010 `Sender Weimar`, ( Kunstfest Weimar ) site specific installation in cooperation with Lukas Matthaei & 2012 ́urbanscape ́ a site specific installation in berlin 2012-2014 Reulecke lead the site specific project with 11 different projects involved „bauhaus tanzen“. A collaboration between Bauhaus Dessau, Anhaltisches Theater Dessau, Technical University Berlin, Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin. Since 2004 Ingo Reulecke has a professorship in choreography and is leading the dance departement in the college of the arts “Ernst Busch” Berlin. From 2006-2012 he started the directorship in the co-operative dance education centre berlin. http://ingoreulecke.com   www.ingoreulecke.de