Performance-Projekt with Jolika Sudermann
Vibration is inside our cells, venes and atoms, beat lays in our most essential actions – our heart beats, we breath, walk, run, dance, chew, have sex, give birth. Next to zooming in on vibrations on all levels of the individual human organism, we will zoom out into the manipulatory and connecting function pulse can have in a group. The longer we’re moving, the more we become alike, a big pulsating animal. PULSE is a trip, an extatic group ceremony, a techno meditation, a dance on an archaic human beat and on the borderline between personality, collective consciousness and mass hype. A research into the most simple of all rhythms: the pulse. An important part of the work will be instant composition practice in order to coordinate the individual with the group work. I will introduce a specific use of the gaze in order to create immediacy with the audience. More towards the performance, we are going to generate the movement material for a set choreography which will be part of the piece. From time to time, we are going to broaden our common horizon by bringing in information about the phenomenon of the pulse on different levels - biology, religion, aesthetics, politics, etc. - in order to place the movement tasks in a bigger context and to let that understanding feed back on our movement practice.
Fee: 170 € / red: 150 € / professional dancers: 130 € / Application for the project:
Additionally you can join the open PULSE training:
PULSE is an improvisatory movement and performance practice, inspired by a dancing crowd on a big electronic music festival, but also by the phenomenon of pulse on very different levels - music, biology, religion, aesthetics, politics, e.g. Surrendering to a constant beat for relatively long durations and partly in darkness, the dancers are invited to observe and explore gradual alterations in their physicality, consciousness and resonance with the group. The guidance through this research by proposals on the level of focus, tonicity and imagination opens up a space for a highly athletic form of meditation and playful group improvisation.
Mo & Wed 18:15-19:45 / Fee: 10x card: 95 € / red.: 90 € / prof.: 70 €
With a background in ballet and environmental sciences, Jolika Sudermann (Berlin) studied dance theatre in Hamburg and MIME in Amsterdam (AHK). In her work she explores the least common denominators of human life, diving into phenomenons like pulse, baby movement or spoken language. Her prizewinning duet „A Talk“ (2011, with A.Söderberg) has excessively traveled Europe and was shown in NYC in 2014. Like her most recent piece, „Infanten“ (Stuttgarter Tanz- und Theaterpreis 2015, to be seen at Sophiensaele in March 2016), „Pulse“ is based on an improvisation score and on close, transparent contact between performer and spectator.
Mo + Wed 20:00-22:00
Showing 25.5.16 21:00
4.4- 25.5. 2016