Buchpräsentation und Gespräch
One year after the series of talks in Studio 13 (curated by Silke Bake and Jacopo Lanteri), Tanzfabrik Berlin launches the book „Let‘s talk about work (and life)“, a publication by apap - advancing performing arts project. The five selected dialogues illuminate the relationship between work and friendship, the position of women in the performing arts, artistic collaboration procedures and the role of contingency in the process of creation.
The book launch will offer an opportunity to share a drink, browse through the new publication and talk about current work interests. The performance maker, teacher and mentor Siegmar Zacharias will start together with the artist and lecturer Sophia New the talk before the audience is involved in the dialogue.
in English
With Peter Krilles, Jacopo Lanteri and the guests Sophia New und Siegmar Zacharias. This edition of a series of apap-publications is edited by Tanzfabrik Berlin. Editors: Peter Krilles und Jacopo Lanteri.
Duartion: 90 minutes
Free Admission