Uferstudios 3
Badstr. 41A, Uferstr. 23
13357 Berlin

A singular multitude


The performance-project “A singular multitude“ is based on a performance developed in Montevideo / Uruguay. Out of this a workshop-methodology emerged, which was already performed in Chile and Mexico. “A singular multitude“ wants to understand and enhance the position of each dancer/ performer inside of a group. The main focus is to increase our ability to perceive our choreographic surrounding while moving in a group and to be able to make choices on the way. We would like to work on the questions: How to be in a group and keeping your singularity? How to make collective actions without loosing your own desires? “A singular multitude“ proposes to be a group of individuals that is not a mass or a crowd but rather a group of multiple voices. We will share common aims, negotiate our own rules and take collective decisions through the perception and the intelligence of the body. Perception, strategies and choreographic principles are the keynotes of this performance-project to offer the participants tools to enter this multilayered approach of performing. To detect the choreographic present at anytime each of the participants will unfold and create their own strategies. We will bring these strategies to a conscious level through exercises borrowed from several mind-body practices and games.

Fee: 170 € / red: 150 € / professional dancers: 130 € / Application for the project: mueller@tanzfabrik-berlin.de


Additionally you can join the open class:

In the open class we will work on: How can I keep myself curious while moving? What makes my dance exciting? How can I translate the stream of information around me into movement? The movers/makers will map out for themselves their individual approach to the moving body in space. We want to enhance the participants to embrace their knowledge on the one hand and to smash it on the other hand, in order to shake the ground and to perceive differently. Through exercises from several mind-body practices and techniques (Aikido, Alexander-Technique, anatomical functional release, tuning score, improvisation practices, etc.) and games we will enrich our awareness to see, hear and sense our colleagues, the space and us. These learned skills will enable the body to read the information that surround us and to make constant decisions. This stream of information needs to be absorbed by a sparkling sensitivity and a sharp-minded body, in order to perform the ongoing choreography that lies in front of us.

Mo & Wed 18:15-19:45 / Fee: 10x card: 95 € / red.: 90 € / prof.: 70 €

Mo + Wed 20:00-22:00
+ Sa 16.1.16 | 11:00-15:00 | Kreuzberg-Studio 1 
Showing: 10.2.16 / 21:00
